Loan Application

Loan Application

Quickly Close Your Deal

Close in as little as 7 days.

Trusted Hard Money Lender

Over 53 years of lending success.

Flexible Lending Options

Solutions for all situations.

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Applying for a Colorado hard money loan has never been easier. We will respond to your loan request the same day if possible. We fund loans on multifamily – industrial – warehouse – retail – office – and investment purpose residential properties. Our primary lending area is Colorado, but we will also consider loans on income properties in New Mexico, and Utah. We will consider land acquisition loans in the metro-Denver area only.

Montegra is Colorado’s leading Private Money Lender. We have been in business for 50 years. We fund first mortgage commercial real estate loans between $200,000 and $5,000,000 with minimal red tape. We provide immediate decisions (within 24 hours), rapid closings (three to four weeks maximum) and fair pricing. You always deal with the decision maker.

Kimberly Skari

Bob Amter

Start Your Future Today

  • Montegra only considers loans on real estate located in Colorado
  • Please no solicitations
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