Colorado Land Loans
Colorado Land Loans
Close in as little as 7 days.
Over 53 years of lending success.
Solutions for all situations.
Land Loans: Unlocking Development Potential with Montegra
Montegra is one of the few private money lenders that will lend against land. We will fund loans up to 55% loan to appraised value on commercial and residential land that is in an urban area in Colorado. The collateral and must be a “buildable” land parcel. That is to say, the land must be zoned, located on a city street with access, and have water and sewer availability to the property boundary. This type of land loan is useful for developers who want to acquire a land parcel for development and need up to a year to create the necessary plans and specifications to get a construction loan to take out Montegra’s land loan. These land loans can also be used by property owners with existing mortgages who need to raise additional capital for other purposes and find that getting a cash out refinance with Montegra is a relatively easy way to obtain these funds.