Quick Close Loans
Quick Close Loans
Close in as little as 7 days.
Over 53 years of lending success.
Solutions for all situations.
Unlocking Speed
Quick Close Loans for Hassle-Free Real Estate Financing
The “quick close” loan is a specialty of Montegra and is one of our most frequently requested loans. Buyers of properties are all too familiar with the scenario of applying to a bank for an acquisition loan, getting tentative approval, and then a couple of weeks prior to closing (after the loan contingency has expired) learning from the bank that for unclear reasons the bank is not willing to close this loan. This leaves the buyer with no loan and with a good chance of losing 100% of their earnest money deposit – not a happy prospect. Because Montegra is a direct lender, we have the money and make all our own lending decisions in house, we are well placed to underwrite and close loans extremely quickly. We have closed many loans in as little as one week after getting the loan request. Because we are not regulated by burdensome federal and state regulations, we can use common sense to make our decisions and have the ability to act quickly on our in-house decisions. Our motto – “immediate decisions and rapid closings” – can turn what looks like a bad outcome into a timely closing.