Retail Loans
Retail Loans
Close in as little as 7 days.
Over 53 years of lending success.
Solutions for all situations.
Tailored Retail Property Loans for Your Investment Needs
Retail property loans, either for property acquisition or for re-finance are tailored by Montegra to meet the borrower’s need. This is extremely helpful if there are vacancies in the property under consideration for acquisition and, because of the vacancy, traditional lenders like banks are not willing to fund this loan. Because Montegra uses private money to fund loans we are not handicapped by the endless regulations that banks need to follow. Montegra can establish an interest reserve to fund all or part of the monthly loan payment until such time as the retail property is sufficiently leased for its cash flow to make the payments. This gives the buyer/borrower time to lease up the property and create conditions that will allow a re-finance with a bank or life insurance company. We have financed numerous shopping plaza loans where our flexible underwriting made all the difference to our borrowers to purchase a value-added property that allows them to substantially increase the value of their property. Montegra’s ability to underwrite and close loans quickly is another reason to contact us if you have a potential retail loan request.